Deterring the Drunk Driver
Check out my latest article in Crime & Delinquency! It explores deterrability of drunk driving between problem and non-problem drinkers....

It Is More Than Just Alcohol: A Criminological Perspective on Routine Drinking Activities, Opportuni
Check out my latest co-authored article in the Journal of Drug Issues. I wrote this piece with help of some great colleagues and friends...

Local Newspaper Interview on Drunk Driving
Recently, some colleagues back in VA referred a reporter to me looking for expertise in drunk driving. I was happy to oblige his request...

Immigrant Threat and Drug Sentencing
Dr. Melanie Holland and I recently published an article in the Journal of Crime and Justice that makes a significant addition to the...

My Recent Publication on Exploring Traffic Safety Culture and Drunk Driving
This project explores the relationship between structural level factors associated with community traffic safety culture toward alcohol...

R Statistical Programming Software Resources
Greetings, Recently colleagues have been inquiring about my experiences in learning how to use the R statistical programming software....

ICPSR Summer Program Last Day
Yesterday was the last day of the first 4 week session in quantitative methods at ICPSR in Ann Arbor. Attached is a group photo from the...

Research in Vice Media
I was recently contacted by a reporter from Vice Media who came across Scott Maggard and I's Reefer Madness article. He was very...

Bureau of Justice Statistics Grant
The Bureau of Justice Statistics has recently awarded me a $45,000 Grant for my dissertation research proposal entitled "Policing the...

Reefer Madness
Scott Maggard and I recently published an article in the Journal of Drug Issues entitled "Reefer Madness to Marijuana Legalization: Media...